
How much time do you need for Dubai Desert Safari

How much time do you need for the Dubai Desert Safari?

The vast, golden sands of the Dubai desert beckon with the promise of adventure. A Dubai desert safari is an essential experience for any visitor, offering a thrilling escape from the city’s glitz and glamour. But with so many tour options available, a crucial question arises: how much Time do you need for this unforgettable […]

Fun and Inexpensive Things

What are Fun and Inexpensive Things to Do in the Dubai Desert?

Dubai conjures images of luxury shopping, towering skyscrapers, and opulent hotels. But just beyond the city’s dazzling facade lies a vast and captivating landscape: the Arabian Desert. This golden expanse offers a unique opportunity for adventure and exploration, even for those on a budget. Here at Desert Detour, we know an unforgettable desert experience doesn’t

What to Wear in Dubai Desert Safari?

Desert safari in Dubai is an exhilarating experience that promises adventure, breathtaking landscapes, and unforgettable memories. As you prepare for your journey into the heart of the desert, one question that inevitably arises is – what should you wear? At Desert Detour, we understand the importance of dressing appropriately for this unique excursion, ensuring both

The 10 Best Hotels for Your Stay in Dubai

Dubai is known for three things – delicious food, a gorgeous landscape, and the luxury lifestyle available to those who stay there. Most hotels there are top-of-the-line, with incredible five-star restaurants and views of the city and deserts below. Those who stay in Dubai are sure to feel like nobles out of a fairytale, surrounded

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